Responsible Computing Technology Showcase

The Technology Showcase is an exciting new initiative for Responsible Computing

The Responsible Computing Technology Showcase is an exciting new initiative for RC

  • Business Problem
  • Approach
  • Solution
  • Technology Outcomes
  • Business Outcomes
  • ROI
  • Proficiency in 1/6 domains
  • A roadmap for improving the score as part of the RC Maturity model.
  • Alignment with UN SDGs
  • Approved – Sent to RC Marketing
  • Not Approved – assigned member of the Showcase Working Group works with the submission team to improve their submission.

Each of our Responsible Computing Technology Showcase contributions represents an evolving, real-world use case. They are conceived, developed, and deployed by visionary members of Responsible Computing representing our Working Groups and Task Groups. With this project, our goal is to offer technologists open access to emerging IoT tech and templates for proven, operationally efficient industry solutions.

The illustration above provides a high-level overview of creating a Technology Showcase, but to break it down further, the first step is to submit a case study. The case study will identify a business problem, the approach to the problem, and the solution. The case study will also include technology outcomes, business outcomes, and ROI. Once the case study is submitted, the submission team will work on their technology showcase with a Responsible Computing Technology Showcase Working Group member. The Technology Showcase must be proficient in at least one of six domains and be aligned with the UN SDGs to be accepted.

The summary page for each Showcase includes the evolutionary phases shown in the diagram above and broken out below. Our library of exciting use cases is growing! Please bookmark this page for frequent updates.

Fill out the form below to participate in a RC Technology Showcase.

Create a Tech Showcase