Start Your Path to Responsible Computing Today!

We are building a systemic approach, addressing current and future challenges in sustainability, ethics, and professionalism.

Become a member today to get started!

OMG 35 Years
Celebrating OMG 35 Years of Innovation!

Learn more about where we have been, how our standards have developed, and where we are going!

Responsible Generative AI
Responsible Generative AI

This white paper provides a detailed investigation and assessments of concerns around Generative AI and presents guard rails that need to be put in place.

Webinar: Generative AI and Sustainability
Webinar: Generative AI and Sustainability

The Gen AI revolution offers unprecedented benefits but raises questions about trust, ethics, and unintended consequences. Our presenters help unravel this game-changing technology.

Webinar: Regulating Generative AI

Responsible computing experts from IBM discuss the potential implications of emerging regulations, intellectual property concerns, and the role of AI ethics.
Now on Demand

Aligning Responsible Computing with the UN SDGs

This white paper defines how we are aligning Responsible Computing objectives with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.

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Join Global Sustainability Experts

Responsible Computing™ is a membership consortium that provides a framework for setting responsible corporate policies and practices. Through global collaborative partnerships in industry, our members apply and demonstrate responsible computing principles to restore trust in technology.

By becoming a member, you commit to making your organization a leader in responsible practices across the six responsible computing domains.

Why Join


Responsible Computing Framework

In the Responsible Computing framework, sustainable enterprises emerge to meet the environmental imperative. With Responsible Computing guidance, your organization will:

  • Integrate your digital transformation and environmental sustainability strategies and efforts.
  • Use emerging technologies as a catalyst for developing smart and innovative solutions to environmental challenges.
  • Transform business processes into green intelligent workflows.
  • Infuse environmental sustainability into your enterprise experiences and culture.
  • Become an enabler and facilitator of change.

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Founding Members & Groundbreakers

Dell Technologies
Purdue University
University of Edinburgh